Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Later that same day (in other words, a second post) -- Happy, happy, joy joy! The postman just rode by (and you gotta tip your hat to a guy who's riding a roasting-hot motorcycle at 5km per hour, on a day when it's 113F in the shade ... and he's NOT in anything remotely like shade). Postmen deserve medals.

This one just delivered a parcel, and whaddaya know? Check this out:

We just went through the whole thing, making sure the proof is perfect:

The whole printing job is beautiful; the covers are absolutely glorious...

(This is the best cover we've ever done yet; I'm absolutely thrilled with the whole thing, and the book has already started its 14-working-day journey into the Amazon engine. Cheers to CreateSpace for the quality of the print job. Beautiful.)

There's one tiny flaw in the whole thing -- you might not even notice it (we certaintly didn't till about five minutes ago), so we're putting the book on "hold" while we correct this. It'll be flawless when it goes to Amazon...

Now -- we'll be having the book launch for Harbendane when the book shows up in the Amazon engine, but as I just said, it'll take 14 working days -- means closer to three weeks -- to get there. Be on the mailing list, and we'll keep you posted!

Ciao for now,

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